

By Jeanette Dempsey, Publisher, Macaroni Kid Columbia November 29, 2016
The holiday season can be filled with so many emotions. Some people love it! (ME!) Some people have feelings of sadness and loss during the holidays if they have lost someone that they really cared for.

Have you ever noticed that when you get together with your extended family, you revert back to the 13 year old you? Getting into arguments with your siblings over things that happened when you were a kid? It happens to the best of us. 

So, I wanted to share 10 tips for surviving the holidays as we all know the stress it brings for you as well as your kids.

  • Keep your regular routine - a change in your routine can increase your stress which could very easily be transferred to your children
  • Think moderation - don't overindulge when eating or drinking; the last thing you want to do is have a video go viral of your drunken rantings; not cool
  • Have realistic expectations - don't expect to have the "perfect" holiday; remember "Murphy's Law" whatever can go wrong, will go wrong; be ready to roll with the punches
  • Stay connected - make time for family and friends that really matter; keep family gatherings simple and intimate which will cause less stress
  • No guilt - the holiday season is not the time to feel guilty about over-eating; give yourself a break; focus on your family and enjoy yourself, that is what New Year's resolutions are for
  • Spend time with others - don't spend the holidays alone; it will make you so sad and possibly suicidal; visit friends and family near and far
  • Focus on today - don't worry about what happened yesterday or in the past; life is too short, enjoy every day to the fullest
  • Say NO - if you are ask to do more than you can handle, just say "NO"; it is ok not to over commit
  • Get help - if you are overwhelmed, ask for help; asking for help is nothing to be ashamed of, we all need help from time to time
  • Take Care of YOURSELF - treat yourself with some of your favorite things or activities, you definitely deserve to take care of yourself every now and then; you're worth it

The holidays are supposed to be a happy time, don't stress about things you can't change and plan early to accomplish things that are really important to you. Most of all, take time to share some special time with your family and friends. Your kids will love the special memories from their childhood when they become parents. I know I do.

Remember: Everybody has a plan, until they get punched in the face. ~Mike Tyson

Love, Peace & Macaroni!