
Get CPR Certified Before It's Too Late!

A heart attack can happen to anyone, anytime & anywhere! Heart issues are not required.

By Jeanette Dempsey, Publisher, Macaroni Kid Columbia - Lexington June 26, 2018

You give your child a lollipop. You know, the same type he/she has had many times before. This time is different though, this time your child has dislodged the candy from the stick and is looking anxious, making a loud wheezing noise, can't breathe with lips beginning to turn purplish blue. You start to panic. What can you do to help? You meant to take that CPR and First Aid class, but something came up? Your mind is racing and you need to figure out what you are going to do to help?

Every day, parents are faced with a scary situation just like the one described above. It is always best to supervise your child when they are eating. Especially when they are very young. Regardless of training, your first instinct is to panic. It's normal. Once the initial shock of the situation is over, your CPR, AED & First Aid training will kick in and you will remember to look at the child's symptoms and recognize what is happening and how you need to help.

The best way to be prepared to provide assistance in an emergency is to get certified. Columbia CPR, LLC provides multiple certification options and has been providing Health & Safety instruction (CPR, AED & First Aid certification classes) for over 10 years. We love helping students remove all the doubts they may have from not having attended a class. The training only takes 3 to 5 hours depending on the training that you need.

Columbia CPR, LLC provides Pediatric CPR/AED & First Aid certifications for child care providers as an independent contractor with the Southeastern Chapter, National Safety Council which certifies South Carolina childcare providers for the Department of Social Services (DSS).

CPR certification classes offered by Columbia CPR, LLC (formerly Care with Confidence Learning Center, LLC) are as follows:

Book your class today! Click here to schedule the next available class.